A lot going on

Video games have a lot of things going on: sound, graphics, physics, networking and much more.

Where do we start when we want to create one?

From scratch

We could start from scratch and figure out a way of assembling all of these different pieces together.

Or, much easier, we can use a game engine.

Game engine

Games are powered by game engines, which are programs that handle the details of common game-related tasks.

What do you think game engines can do for us?

Exactly! Game engines are able to simulate physics and render graphics.


Game engines are essential because they can do all of the important calculations for things like jumping or falling.

They even let you choose between 2D and 3D physics depending on the type of game you want.

Logic & rules

Besides graphics and physics, there's another important part of making games. It's how we implement a game's logic and rules.

Can you guess what this part is?

Exactly! We define a game's logic and rules with the help of programming.


When using a programming language to create a game, we usually work with scripts. Scripts are files that we can use multiple times. 

void Update () {
 if (wallCollision == true)
  moveLeft = true;

We can create one script for movement and reuse it for every element that needs to do the same actions.


The most important part of any game is the part of the code that updates the game.

void Update () {
 if (wallCollision == true)
  moveLeft = true;

Exactly! Why would it be so important though?


We mentioned that games have different FPS, also known as Frames per Second.

void Update () {
 if (wallCollision == true)
  moveLeft = true;

In video games, an update function is called every time we render a frame.


We use update functions to check the current state of the game, if we're interacting with objects, or if anything needs to be triggered.

void Update () {
 if (wallCollision == true)
  moveLeft = true;

Every time we want to render a frame, we'll need to call an update function, check for any changes and add them to the image.

Amazing graphics

Today, most video games have amazing graphics.

While some look like real life and others look more like fantasy, they all rely on many of the same technologies to work.


The most important part of graphics is the resolution. The higher the resolution, the better the graphics.

You've probably come across resolution sizes before: 1024×576, 1280×720, 1920×1080, and so on. But what do they mean?


Simply put, the resolution is the number of pixels in one image. 

A pixel is nothing more than a very small square on a screen. Every image you've ever seen was made out of a lot of pixels.


The total number of pixels is the result of multiplying how many pixels there are widthwise and heightwise.

Let's see how many pixels an image that is 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall has.


//Output Below


Wow! Anytime you've selected 1080p on an online video you were seeing over two million pixels during each frame.


But pixels can't overlap, and this leads to a problem. Since we can only display images with these small squares, diagonal lines are tricky.

This causes images to have jagged edges, hence the informal name of jaggies. The formal term for this is aliasing.


To fix this, video games have an anti-aliasing setting. This changes the color of pixels around the edge in order to smoothen the lines.

Let's try it out.

Anti-Aliasing = On

Depending on your hardware, it might take a bit to process, but it helps make games look a lot better!

Screen tearing

Another common problem for graphics is called screen tearing

Screen tearing is when two or more different frames appear on the screen at the same time.

Refresh rate

The reason screen tearing happens is because the monitor has a different refresh rate than the number of frames per second rendered.

For example, if the the game is rendering the game at 120 FPS, a monitor that updates 60 times per second won't be able to keep up.

Do the math

Let's say a monitor has a refresh rate of 75 Hz. This means the monitor can update 75 times a second. The game, however, has 120 FPS.

Let's divide the FPS to the monitor's refresh rate.


//Output Below


That means that during one second, the monitor receives  more than just one frame, which can cause screen tearing.


To fix that, games have a Vsync setting that synchronizes the refresh rate with the FPS, getting rid of any tears.